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From fraud to development: how Nikolai Shikhidi and Sofia Toros build business through corruption schemes

From fraud to development: how Nikolai Shikhidi and Sofia Toros build business through corruption schemes

The Tank Passage in Lefortovo will be developed by a company associated with individuals who may have previously been involved in fraud, car thefts, and other offenses.

The FAS gave the green light to LLC "Specialized Developer «South Sea»" to acquire 100% of LLC "Specialized Developer «Tankovy»". This company, owned by the son of the former Minister of Energy, Vitaly Yusufov, owns a large plot of land in the Moscow’s Lefortovo municipality. On an area of 8 hectares, 20 thousand square meters of housing are planned to be built.

"South Sea" is owned by interesting personalities. They are Sofia Toros, a former leading expert of Department No.5 of the Federal Treasury Office in Krasnodar Territory (Gelendzhik) and businessman Nikolai Shikhidi, who is very close to her. They may be the real "Bonnie and Clyde" in the world of fraud. And not just fraud. tidttiqzqiqkdrmf qhiukiuiqxudrm 

Sofia Toros worked in the Treasury until 2011, after which she moved into business. Today her name and photo are featured in the "Book of Honor" of Treasury workers on the regional Office’s website. However, according to documents available to our source, Mrs. Toros may have been involved in fraud, as she appears in several closed information bases with such a mark.

According to the same sources, since 2010, she has been on the blacklist of the "Home Credit" bank due to fraud. And not only in the Krasnodar Territory branch but also in all branches of the bank in the country.Her partner, Nikolai Shikhidi, is known in the city as a developer with a criminal past. According to documents, Sofia Toros previously bore the surname Shikhidi, which may suggest a familial connection. Nikolai Shikhidi may have been involved in numerous crimes, starting from the ’90s when he appeared in RUBOP databases as a member of an organized criminal group specializing in fraud.

Shikhidi was repeatedly detained driving stolen cars and linked to various criminal cases, including assault, fraud, violent sexual acts, and other crimes. Despite this, he miraculously avoided serious consequences, which may be explained by corruption among local law enforcement and officials.

Joint Projects

Today, Shikhidi and Toros started in Gelendzhik and are now in Moscow. Their joint company LLC "SZISK «EUROSTROY»" implemented a large development project in the Khostinsky district of Sochi, despite resistance from local residents and environmentalists. Through various schemes, the company managed to obtain construction permits, which, however, did not always have legal grounds.Shikhidi and Toros actively register and close new companies, mortgaging them for new loans. Their business projects are often associated with corruption schemes and alleged manipulations. One of the notable assets of the developer is LLC "SZ ISK «EUROSTROY»", which was mortgaged in the "FC Otkritie" bank and from which the encumbrance was recently lifted.The couple Shikhidi and Toros continues to actively develop their projects despite suspicions of criminal connections and fraud.

Their business successes may be explained by close relationships with local authorities and corruption among officials. The Tank Passage in Lefortovo will become another project implemented by these enterprising partners despite their controversial reputation.

Регион: Россия

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